Generative AI Solutions for Your Business

Chat With Your Company Documents

Make Company Documents More Accessible

Use generative AI language models such as OpenAI or other popular large language models to query your own business documents.
Ask questions and quickly get answers from your company pdfs and other text documents.
Upload your documents and start querying today.
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Talk to Any Data Table

Ask questions and quickly get answers from your tabular data, such as spreadsheets, Excel files and csv data. Automatically generate SQL from your natural language. Learn more.    Get a Free Trial Account

Talk to your Database

Make your company's data more accessible. Our natural language database interface allows non-technical users to obtain easy access to your company's data. Users simply ask for what they want in their own words. Learn more.

Start talking to your database/data table today. Easy online setup. Request Free Trial

Talk to Your Database or Data Table in Your Own Words.

Access Your API With Natural Language

Our natural language interface allows users to obtain easy access your API. No need for users to perform complex programming tasks.
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