Generate SQL for your Database

Our natural language database interface allows non-technical users to obtain easy access your company's data without using a structured query language. Users simply ask for what they want in their own words. We provide an SQL output, which is used to query your database.
How it Works

The following three sample databases are used to demonstrate the Natural Language Database Query system. You can view the data in the databases, query the databases in natural language, see the generated SQL, and verify the results in the database. Some sample questions are included to show the variety of questions that can be handled. (Note: data in World Country database are not current.)
Northwind Traders Database
Company Employee Table
World Country Database
This is a database for a fictitious specialty foods import/export company. It includes tables for products, customers, suppliers, orders, and employees. View Database
Sample Questions SQL Results
What is the cost of Northwoods Cranberry Sauce? SELECT products.UnitPrice FROM northwind.products where products.ProductName = 'Northwoods Cranberry Sauce';
Do you have Chef Anton's Cajun Seasoning? SELECT products.ProductName FROM northwind.products where products.ProductName = 'Chef Anton''s Cajun Seasoning'
Tell me the number of Aniseed Syrup in stock?, SELECT products.UnitsInStock FROM northwind.products where products.ProductName = 'Aniseed Syrup'
How many customers do you have in Germany? SELECT count(*) AS Number FROM northwind.customers where customers.Country = 'Germany';
Tell me the products that you sell? SELECT products.ProductName FROM northwind.products Limit 30;
Type your question below in your own words.